Bronze Jive

This Bronze routine is much more complex than the Beginner Cha Cha Routine, and is intended for dancers who are comfortable enough with their own dancing that they can begin to dance more complex combinations. This routine includes extra turn for the Lady with the American Spin, and includes the Hip Bump and Stop and Go, which are easy figures to show off with. It also incorporates the Whip, the strong rotation of which catches the eye with ease.

Figure Rhythm
Stop and Go QQ QaQ QQ QaQ
Stop and Go QQ QaQ QQ QaQ
Change of Place L to R, ending with R to R hand hold QQ QaQ QaQ
American Spin QQ QaQ QaQ
Hip Bump QQ QaQ a QaQ
Hip Bump, using a single step in place of the first Chasse QQ S a QaQ
Whip QQ QaQ QQ QaQ
Change of Place R to L QQ QaQ QaQ

The second Hip Bump uses a single side step in place of the first Chasse. It is used in stark contrast to the quick timing in the rest of the routine, thereby giving the actual bumping of the hips more emphasis.