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Developed Corta Jaca Action

Commence facing wall in Contact Shadow Hold, Man's R arm around Lady's back to have R hand on Lady's R hip, L hand and arm remains free throughout

Both Lead Foot/Body Position Turn/Alignment Footwork Count
1 Leading Lady to remain in place Extend LF forward & across with split weight, raise hips strongly forward so there is a diagonal line from head to tip of toe. Style L legs close to each other in Contact Shadow Position 1/8 to R, facing DW against LOD, LF turned slightly out, upper body facing wall B (RF), o/e of B (LF) 1
2 Leading Lady to remain in place Transfer full weight back to RF, slightly contracting pelvic area in Contact Shadow Position No turn, facing DW against LOD, upper body facing wall BH &
3 Leading Lady to remain in place Extend LF to side with split weight, extending pelvic area to raise L hip to L side so there is a diagonal line from head to tip of toe. Style L legs close to each other in Contact Shadow Position 1/8 to L, facing wall, RF pointing DW against LOD, LF turned out pointing DW B (RF), i/e of B (LF) 2
4 Leading Lady to remain in place Transfer full weight sideways to RF, slightly contracting pelvic area in Contact Shadow Position No turn, facing wall BH &
5-8 Leading Lady to remain in place to repeat steps 1-4 in Contact Shadow Position 1&2&

Suggested Popular Combination


RF Bota Fogo in Shadow Position to end facing DW against LOD


Circular Volta to L with Man's Foot Change

Suggested Advanced Combination


Man's Foot Change, lady's Continuous Spin to R to end in Shadow Position facing DW against LOD


Releasing hold, Running Zigzag in Solo RSP

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