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Overturned Lunge Throwaway

Commence backing DC against LOD in Fallaway Position with Closed Hold

Man Lead Foot/Body Position Turn/Alignment Footwork Count
1 Leading Lady backward in Fallaway Position LF to side into a flexed L knee in Fallaway Position with R leg extended in place as a Lunge line 1/8 to R, facing wall, LF pointing DW & RF pointing DW against LOD BH (LF), WF (RF) 1
2 Leading Lady to replace weight forward Transfer weight sideways to RF in PP 1/4 to L, backing against LOD WF 2
3 Leading Lady to turn to L LF crosses behind RF, T to H, as a Latin Cross, in Closed Hold 1/8 to L, backing DW against LOD B(H) 3
4 Leading Lady to turn to L Turning to L, RF to side in Contact Position 3/8 to L, backing LOD BH 4
5-7 Leading Lady forward & then to turn to L on 7, releasing hold with R hand Turning to L, LF back in PP into a Coaster Step, LRL, to end LF forward in Open Tandem Position 3/8 to L, backing DC against LOD. Complete a further 1/8 to L to end facing LOD B. B. BH 1&2
8-10 Leading Lady forward RF forward into a Lock step, RLR, to end in Open position No turn, facing LOD BH. B. BH 3&4

Commence backing DW against LOD in Fallaway Position with Closed Hold

Lady Foot/Body Position Turn/Alignment Footwork Count
1 Turning to R, RF back in Fallaway Position 1/8 to R, backing against LOD BH 1
2 Turning to L, replace weight forward to LF in PP 1/8 to L, facing DC BH 2
3-5 Turning to L, RF forward into a Turning Run, RLR, in Contact Hold, to end RF back Complete 3/4 to L to end backing DC against LOD B. B. BH 3&4
6 Turning to L, LF forward in PP, moving ahead of Man's body 1/8 to L, facing LOD BH 1
7 RF forward, then turn as a Loose Spiral Action to L to end in Tandem Position No turn, facing LOD, then 7/8 to L on RF to end facing DW B(H) 2
8-10 LF forward into a Forward Run in Tandem Position, LRL, then turn to R on 10 to end LF back in Open Position 1/8 to L, facing LOD, then 1/2 to R on step 10 to end backing LOD B. B. BH 3&4

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